Latest Expert Insights

What happens if house prices fall?

Expert Advice with Helen Collier-Kogtevs, 20/03/2020

Will there be a corona recession?

Expert Advice with Helen Collier-Kogtevs, 19/03/2020

Predictions for the Australian commercial property market

  There is a lot of doom and gloom out there right now, but the fact remains, Australia has one of the best health systems in the world and the Covid-19 has a Mortality rate around 2%, which is significantly less than what was seen for SARS (10%), and for MERS (34%). If we can contain the disease and delay the pandemic at a similar rate to what we have done so far, our health care system WILL manage.

Pandemics, panics and property markets

It’s time to stop and reflect

Busting commercial property myths

Getting started on your journey to wealth

The property wolf who cried Coronavirus

What’s ahead for our property markets in light of the corona virus issues?

Is this the magic ingredient driving our property markets?

Optimistic year ahead for new home sales

10 pointers on gifting money to your children

When will Darwin’s housing market boom again?

Can house prices really keep increasing?

How school zones affect property prices

7 things you need do before you start investing in property

The city that booms when others bust

To repair or not to repair?

Five lessons property investors can learn from farmers

Taking steps into syndication

How to kickstart your property investment portfolio while renting

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